Let’s take a moment to reflect on 2022. Did you follow through with your New Years resolutions that you established at the beginning of the year? Meet those fitness goals or change your diet for a “healthier” lifestyle? Get the promotion, bonus, or advancement you said you were going to work so hard for? If not, you’re in luck. 2023 is here and it’s another chance for you to make empty promises to yourself…
I have a pretty unconventional mindset when it come to New Years resolutions, fuck em. Just because a New Year rolls in shouldn’t suddenly give you an excuse to make changes to your life. You reserve the right at ANYTIME to make changes for YOUR future. Therefore, fuck waiting for January 1st to come up with a New Years resolution. Life is a cycle of learning. Make changes as you see fit and continue to alter your lifestyle to accommodate a future you desire whether it’s the beginning, middle, or end of the year. Set goals and make a conscious decision to follow through with those goals.
Bullshit aside, keep up the grind my friends. Hope 2022 didn’t beat you up too much. Just remember, the decisions you make now will forever dictate your future so do what’s best for YOU. For those struggling through the holiday seasons alone, keep your head up. Sometimes you'll find solitude in navigating this rough world solo. For YOU reading this post, I’m proud of you. You’ve accomplished so much thus far. Let’s see how much farther you can go in 2023.