
“R&R”? Rest and recuperation.

Take a break. You earned it.

I made the transition from operating in the Middle East to Africa back in late 20XX. The difference in dynamic between the two regions and how I supported the mission as a Defense Contractor was a night and day difference. I went from living on FOBs (forward operating bases) in X country to immersing myself in the local economy of a small African country that I’ve only ever heard of in a grade school geography class. I’ll touch on that transition at a later date but after reaching mental and physical exhaustion with work I figured I needed a break from the hustle and bustle… Where to? Destination Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The breath of fresh, crisp, cool air as I stepped outside the airport was refreshing coming from hot, sweaty, arid environments. Nearly cried when I saw the green vegetation… Not really, but growing up in the Midwest of America has thought me to appreciate luscious green grass, vibrant foliage on trees, etc. Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia. Some people refer to it as one of the main hubs of Africa. I’ll agree with that statement as the city looks to be fairly well developed compared to other African nations. High rises, western branded hotels, restaurants and cafes seem abundant. Not what you’d expect from an African country right? Wrong.

Key take away from a week long trip in Ethiopia is that Africa gets a bad rap. National Geographic, news outlets, and the media in general does an exemplary job of documenting and portraying the image of an impoverished, deprived, and destitute nation (if that’s how you view Africa too, grow up). I think it’d be fair to say that not all of Africa is like that. Sure poverty runs rampant in many areas but that goes for any other country in this world. This was just an overview of my early speculations down here. Thoughts and viewpoints will change so hold tight, I’ll dispense amendments in opinions soon…


rise and shine.